Radio Communications Training Videos

(59 Ratings)

Train on the go, from any device! Start your online radio communications training now and have your certificate the same day.

Course Introduction

In this video, we look at how to take the course and explain the knowledge questions and details of the final test. We also discuss what to do if you are a company and require company dashboards to manage your employees.

Course introduction

Course introduction


Radio Communications

This is the main section of the course where we will cover many different sections about radio communications and you will learn how to use radios effectively. We cover in detail the use of radios in the ambulance service as this is a good example for a practical application of radios for you to learn from. We give you hints on how to give clear effective messages and to make sure that the person your are communicating with understands what you want to say. Also in this section, we explain the phonetic alphabet which is vital when spelling words.

Types of Radio

In this section, we look at the many different types of radio that are available. We will be adding more examples over time and you will be able to see new videos as they are added to the course.

Course Summary

In the summary section, we discuss how to take your final test and how to access your certificates when you pass.

Course Summary

Course Summary


Course Details

Video Playtime

1 hour and 9 minutes




Keith Sleightholm



Ready to get started?

Radio Communications

1 hour and 9 minutes
£24.95 + VAT